





The two Scottish plays fronting the Traverse Theatre's 2002 Edinburgh Festival Programme Each year the Traverse Theatre produces two original plays as its own contribution to the Edinburgh Festival. Each year the Traverse plays are the most widely reviewed and nearly always the most highly praised. Like Liz Lochhead's Perfect Days or Gregory Burke's Gagarin Way, they often subsequently transfer to London. This year the Traverse is premiering two plays both by Scottish women writers. Linda McLean's previous work has been seen almost exclusively at the Traverse - and includes One Way Beating and Riddance Rona Munro's work has been seen more widely, notably at Hampstead Theatre, London - and includes Bold Girls and The Maiden Stone.


Rona Munro

Rona Munro has written extensively for stage, radio, film and television, including the trilogy The James Plays for the National Theatre of Scotland, The National Theatre of Great Britain, and the Edinburgh International Festival. Other credits include award-winning plays Iro ...
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